BOARD OF STUDIES 2015-16 TO 2019-20

Sl.No Name Designation in Parent Organization with Address Role
1 Shri. S.S. Hubli HOD & Sl. Gr. Lecturer Civil Engg. Dept B.V.V.S. Polytechnic,Bagalkot Chairman
2 Shri. B.V. Nitali Sl. Gr. LecturervCivil Engg. Dept B.V.V.S. Polytechnic,Bagalkot Coordinator(Dept)
3 Shri. S.H. Madarakhandi Sl. Gr. Lecturer Civil Engg. Dept B.V.V.S. Polytechnic, Bagalkot Member
4 Shri. B.C.Hiremath Expert in the programme from the neighbouring institute Sl. Gr Lecturer Civil Engg. Dept Dr G S M R Polytechnic Kukanoor 583232 Tq kukanoor Dist Koppal Member
5 Shri. C.S. Magadal Expert in the programme from the neighbouring institute Sl. Gr. Lecturer Civil Engg. Dept C.V.C. Rural Polytechnic Hungund Member
6 Shri. Chandrashekar Araballi Nominee from DTE Bangalore HOD Civil Engg. Dept Govt. Polytechnic Hubli Member
7 Shri. S.G. Allagi Nominee from DTE Bangalore Selection Grade lecturer Member
8 Shir. Raghu Das Engineers and Contractor Prop. Ganga Prestressed Concrete work,a/p: Sulikere, Tq: Bagalkot Member
9 Shri. M.N. Talawar Incharge of CD Component Sl. Gr. Lecturer E&E Engg. Dept.B.V.V.S. Polytechnic,Bagalkot Member – Secretary