B.V.V.S. Polytechnic (Autonomous) is a premier technical institution situated at Bagalkot providing
quality based formal and non-formal education in technical, non-technical and professional fields to
meet the need of the society.
Provide effective instruction and training that is globally competitive by our qualified staff who
are willing for continuous development of the institution with the support of the adequate
infrastructure and efficient administration.
Strive for upliftment of rural community, socially and economically weaker sections and
un-employed youth with special emphasis on “WOMEN”.
Develop better Industry – Institute Interaction and environment, to make the products acceptable
to Industry / Society / Community.
Provide opportunities for skill integrated flexible, relevant, affordable and lifelong learning for any
type of people in the communities to acquire employable skills for their livelihood.
Initiate income generating projects in various departments.
Mould the students in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Personality Development, and Innovativeness
and as good citizen of Nation.